Project Milestones

Combined Cannabis Experience



Milestones to Date-2-22-23

PowerPlant Park enters a vast and lucrative California market, facing historically low levels of premium /ultra-premium flower. Inventory of turnkey space is extremely hard to find in California, especially in the San Francisco Bay Area. The Park is now two years into Phase I construction, the design/drawing completed by a team of over 40 renowned local area engineers, architects, consultants, and designers.

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Milestones Completed

  1. PowerPlant Park was unanimously granted its CUP and land use entitlements from Richmond’s Planning Commission on April 20th, 2019. The approval process spanned over 36 months working closely with City and State officials

  2. PowerPlant Park began construction in November 2020, interrupted due to Richmond’s Covid’s moratorium on new construction. Construction resumed late April of 2021, currently the first 5 Greenhouse in Phase I Part A are 50% completed, onsite infrastructure/utilities are 95% complete

  3. PowerPlant Park filed for 22 State Licenses in November of 2021, now in Final Declaration

  4. Overall, the Park has sold 22 Units representing $11M in revenues, over $8M in greenhouse payments have already been received

  5. Grand Opening of Phase I is scheduled for late October 2024

  6. PowerPlant Park has concluded operations of one-year delivery pilot in Marin & Sonoma counties. The pilot exceeded sales projections by 40% and achieved the number one rating for all metrics on Weedmaps with over 350 5-star reviews

  7. The Park has designed a 144 sq ft “Kiosk” that can be placed in existing high-volume Storefronts, showcasing only PowerPlant Park brands sold by highly trained Park staff

  8. The Park has developed a “Retail Garage” storefront model where customers can drive through and pickup their purchase of the freshest product in the State without getting out of the car. Orders sent and paid for through PowerPlant Park’s retail phone app. Customer transactions completed in 8 seconds. We are planning to open 4 locations along freeway corridors in support of PowerPlant Park Delivery